Tuesday, February 23, 2010

RIP my sweet little Rocky Roo...

My amazing rat, Rocky, passed away from natural causes yesterday in my hands while in the vet's office. He was 3 1/2 years old (very long life for a ratty!), and was the sweetest little thing from beginning to end. I will miss him so much... and take comfort in knowing he's back with his best buddy, Jude (my other baby who passed away this past August) in ratty heaven :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Out of the rut... for good this time! (I hope)

I finally decided to get my ass in gear and do a photoshoot for myself. I've been having a hard time doing this for a number of reasons, mainly because my creativity decided to take an extended vacation once I graduated. I don't blame it. But, it's been over a year and a half, and I need to continue on this path of creating for myself and updating my portfolio. I found a group of extremely talented people right here in San Mateo, and I'm very happy with the outcome!

And here was our tribute to Valentine's day... or anti-Valentine's tribute (even though I love the holiday... it was a lot of fun doing this part!)

Model - MissLeanne
Makeup - Lauren Melnikoff
Hair - Candace Lacey