Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So I started this series in April, and can't WAIT to continue (just need the space to do so!). Never thought I could have so much fun with candy and a blowtorch ;) Now the question is... what to melt/eat/shoot next??

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photoshoot with D Sharp...

This week I had the oppotrunity to do a photoshoot with the incredibly talented DJ D Sharp (http://therealdjdsharp.com/) before he took off on tour. We shot at The New Parrish in Oakland... here are a few!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aaaahhhh spring...

After my tabletop photography class at Brooks in 2006, I've kind of forgotten how much I enjoy shooting still life. I've focused most of my time and creative energy on shooting people, and forgot that shooting an inanimate object can be a lot of fun too. So I decided to start a new series of flowers.
If you know me at all, you know I absolutely love Calla Lillies. I have a tattoo of one on my foot. They are, in my opinion, the most beautiful and simply elegant flower on our amazing planet. So that was where I began -->

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

RIP my sweet little Rocky Roo...

My amazing rat, Rocky, passed away from natural causes yesterday in my hands while in the vet's office. He was 3 1/2 years old (very long life for a ratty!), and was the sweetest little thing from beginning to end. I will miss him so much... and take comfort in knowing he's back with his best buddy, Jude (my other baby who passed away this past August) in ratty heaven :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Out of the rut... for good this time! (I hope)

I finally decided to get my ass in gear and do a photoshoot for myself. I've been having a hard time doing this for a number of reasons, mainly because my creativity decided to take an extended vacation once I graduated. I don't blame it. But, it's been over a year and a half, and I need to continue on this path of creating for myself and updating my portfolio. I found a group of extremely talented people right here in San Mateo, and I'm very happy with the outcome!

And here was our tribute to Valentine's day... or anti-Valentine's tribute (even though I love the holiday... it was a lot of fun doing this part!)

Model - MissLeanne
Makeup - Lauren Melnikoff
Hair - Candace Lacey

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bali.... aaah Bali...

So I've been meaning to update my blog for some time now... but life seems to keep getting in the way... as usual. I've been working as a nanny 4 days a week, with some photography work in between... but not enough. It's time to buckle down and really pursue this "career choice" of mine. And since one of the families I work for is moving to Philidelphia, I'll have that chance soon:)
Anywho... since the last time I updated, I took a trip to Bali... and I fell in love with it. It was the most incredible place I've ever been. The people were so wonderful and sweet and loving, the food was absolutely mind blowing, and the place itself was just magical. No other way to describe it. I went with my best friend of 13 years, Louisa. She was the best travel companion a girl could ask for. So laid back and easy going, and down for anything. We did everything from a midnight to sunrise volcano climb of Gunung Agung, to visiting monkey inhabited temples in Ubud and Ulu Watu, to getting a private tour from a local of a fish market in Jimbaran, and a LOT more. Too many stories to put into writing... So here are some photos :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

INTERNSHIP! --> part 2 (April)

Once again, I REALLY need to invest in a scanner, and apologize for the crappy photos. BUT, you get the idea.
For this issue I shot (from top to bottom) buzzed (featuring Jacquie Greaux), Take out (rhubarb), Now Fashion (nude), Neighborhood (The sunset), and the editor for the editor's letter.
I'm still shooting for the magazine (as a freelance photographer - yay!), and loving it. I just finished a bunch of sections for the June issue... to be posted later! :)